I feel like I probably owe Wakefield Thornes parkrun a bit of an apology. At the turn of the year I decided that I would use trips to my in-laws to do some parkrun tourism. I looked the the events map, had a look at a few of the courses and Wakefield came out top for a visit. However, since then trips up north have seen me visit Storthes Hall, Rothwell and Penistone before making my way to Wakefield.

Today however was an opportunity to rectify this. It’s actually been a few weeks since my last parkrun when I had my unexpected trip to Bakewell. It’s also been a slightly weird period for running with only a handful of outings managed due to family things and the fact that I have started a weekly strength and conditioning session. Therefore I turned up not really knowing what state my legs were in!

At the first timers briefing my trip up from Cambridgeshire was looking to be on course to be the furthest travelled, right up until the runners from Bangkok spoke up! Never mind.

Hearing discussions about the course I’d worked out the first km was going to be downhill and then flat. Knowing my weaknesses on hills I knew this was an opportunity so off I hared.

One of the reasons Wakefield had made it high up my list was the fact it is a one-lapper. I have nothing against multi-lappers or out and backs but it is nice to test yourself on a course where you never know what’s coming next. I knew there would be hills but when and where I had no idea. What’s more, I was starting to get the feeling my watch was struggling with GPS (or I was running much slower than I realised) as my splits started to drag.

As I came back along the banks of the duck pond (one of the few parts you pass twice), I could see the finish line and reassure myself it was indeed that my watch had measured short. Watch time was 21.46 which, given the hills was not bad at all for me and my sore legs had held up.

After a brief chat with a guy visiting from Rothwell I headed for a quick coffee although I did seem to be the only runner in there so not certain I found the right place!

It was nice to finally tick off Wakefield, now to work out my next Yorkshire visit!

Some random stats:

  • 1st run at Wakefield Thornes parkrun (8th different parkrun run at)
  • 28th parkrun in total
  • Knocked ‘W’ off of Alphabet Challenge (6/25)

By Mike

2 thought on “Finally making it to Wakefield Thornes parkrun (parkrun Review)”
  1. You’re lucky to have so much choice of parkruns in the UK although I think that would make it harder to decide! At least in Australia, we’re usually limited on choice (although that’s improving all the time). Well done on ticking off another letter and another tourist visit!

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