Last week I mentioned how I wasn’t sure how to approach this training. I wasn’t sure what I would feel as I still have some fears that the race may be able to go ahead in October having been burnt last year. That mentality has definitely shown this week as, despite logging a significant increase in mileage, it still doesn’t feel like I’m training for a marathon like the first time round.

Having missed my long run last week, this week started with the longer run I had planned. Compared to some of the runs I have already done in 2021, the 8 miles still seemed quite easy. This was then followed up on Tuesday with the first speed session of the plan with 3 lots of 1.5mi. It’s been quite humid this week so it wasn’t the easiest session but was good to find some pace.

One difference to the 2nd attempt at marathon training is that this time gyms are open and fortunately I have a bit more job security so I have been back working out for a few weeks. I really am a convert to strength and conditioning training as it gives me something different and helps me feel strong when running. Again, the historic knowledge that it has helped me through previous training blocks makes me feel good about the time as well.

Come Thursday, whilst the tooth pain I had been suffering last week had started to abate, the tiredness from poor sleep last week and three early starts was catching up and I was at risk of missing the first session of the plan having overslept. However, one real advantage of working from home is more time to head out during the day. I switched to do the slightly shorter session that had been in the plan for Friday and headed out in the midday sun which made it a harder session than planned.

Friday I was back on the early starts and knocking out just shy of 10km. Nothing in the plan so far has really stretched me and this was no different. It is just good to start getting some miles in the tank. Then on Saturday it was time for another non-parkrun on the day we had all hoped that it would return properly. I do feel annoyance that too many landowners and councils have applied extra constraints that has delayed this restart several times so here’s hoping we are back parkrunning during July. My actual time was one of the faster ones that I have managed for a while, although I did have some shoe issues so with a couple of stops, I can’t log the quicker time and accept a Ross Barkley!

Having done my 5km we checked out a new farm shop nearby which was very nice. What was even better was it gave me the perfect excuse to scope out the accessibility of a section of a route I have been planning for a while. I knew that a bridge was shut so unless there was an alternative, short of swimming across the river, the route was a non starter and I didn’t want to find out in the middle of a long run.

Fortunately there was and with the loop being perfect for my scheduled 10 miles, I decided to make immediate use of this knowledge on Sunday. As we had a busy day with my son playing cricket and then a BBQ with family it was an early Sunday start to ensure I was back in plenty of time. I struggled to keep the pace slow as I had the rest of the day hanging over me but it was nice to try out a few new paths.

The week ended with just over 60km and only a single day off running so I’m ready for my rest day tomorrow. However, it was good to get some serious mileage under my belt as I know the next few weeks will start to ramp up quite quickly.

  • Monday – 12.56km @ 5:33 pace
  • Tuesday – 3x 1.5mi – 10.80km
  • Wednesday – Gym
  • Thursday – 6.74km @ 4:56
  • Friday – 9.64km @ 5:24km
  • Saturday – Non parkrun 21:02
  • Sunday – 16.18km @ 5:16
  • Total – 60.92km
  • Overall Total – 85.46km

By Mike

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