Another week of training completed and another week just waiting for the hammer to fall. Officially London are due to update on 28th but I honestly thought there was a chance of it happening this week.

The week started with hill repeats on Tuesday. This was actually the set that I ended the first training block on and I wondered if there was going to be a cruel symmetry. My meandering around town sent me to a different “hill” for this set. It was steeper for the 1st minute and then started to plateau out but my legs did feel it more than the hill I had previously trained on. That said, it’s still not a great slope!

Wednesday I headed out for a nice steady run and for once was not rushing as much to get home with my daughter on school holidays now. I picked up a few new streets for CityStrides. This was then leading into two rest days. I had planned to drop a session as I needed to pack, and then travel on holiday.

This meant that come Saturday we were in Northumberland. As we had plans on the Sunday I switched my LSR to the Saturday and headed out for 14 miles. However up first, my daughter wanted to go for a run and I will never say no. We headed into the nearby town about 3km away for a lovely workout. I then went out at lunchtime that wasn’t great as it was very hot and humid so I was struggling a bit. It was beautiful runnung somewhere different and I have to admit that as I approached Bamburgh Castle, my mind did start to drift to maybe one day stretching the distance to do Race to the Castle! The roads were a bit more undulating than back home and my legs were feeling it as I started to watch the rain come in from the Cheviots and at 15km I got soaked. This was the best thing for me though as it cooled me down and made the 2nd half easier than the first. The run is still waiting to make it to Strava with the Garmin issues but this doesn’t mean I didn’t do it!

Sunday we headed to the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. While reading a booklet the night before I had spotted a 5km route round the island. This then became the target for my weekly non-parkrun. Having headed across the causeway to the island myself and my brother in law found the paths and started off. It was lovely running somewhere completely different and taking it easier as we circumnavigated the island to complete another week.

I now await the next announcement and I fully expect that training will be paused again!

  • Monday – Rest Day
  • Tuesday – 8x 2mins hill repeats – 11.57km
  • Wednesday – 11.18km @ 5:17 pace
  • Thursday – Rest Day
  • Friday – Rest Day
  • Saturday – 3.19km then 23.38km @ 5:31 pace
  • Sunday – 5.07km – 31:54
  • Total – 54.39km
  • Overall Total – 283.43km

By Mike

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