Today was my son’s birthday. So originally there had been no running planned in my diary. However, after the day started earlier than planned, he wanted to stay home and play with his toys. It was also so windy that our trip to the zoo looked a bit of a stretch. Therefore, I suddenly had a parkrun size hole in my day! The benefits of the start line being just a couple of minutes from your house is you can literally make plans at drop of a hat.

Not that you’d have wanted to wear a hat today as it was windy with a capital W! After a gentle jog round it was time for a good stretch as my glutes had been very sore last night when I went out. My neighbour from across the road was doing his first ever parkrun so we had a quick chat then time for the run.

With the wind, sore muscles and lack of preparation I wasn’t expecting a great time, especially after PBing 2 weeks ago. However, the course was a tail of two halves. One half I was like Usain Bolt, the other was like running into a brick wall. Throw in a bit of mud and it was definitely the toughest Pocket I had run, with this being my 10th here.

However, despite my excuses, there was obviously some speed in my legs and I crossed the line only 10s slower than my PB in a very pleasing 22:03. I then watched my neighbour come home. Then headed back to the house to spend the rest of the day celebrating my son’s birthday.

A few random facts:

  • 13th parkrun in total
  • 10th parkrun at Pocket parkrun

Did you run in the wind today? Let me know in comments!

By Mike

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